
Oslo Addendum: Norwegian Web Interviews

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Almost forgot - during the last day of meetings, Håkon introduced a few of us to some Norwegian press who wanted to interview CSS working group members. I spoke with digi.no (@digi_no) and Computerworld Norway. They both wanted to know about the past, present, and future of web standards and innovation. Innovation in standards has been accelerating the past few years, to the point where even web developers can be surprised, like the recent confusion and fuzziness over what is HTML5.

Photograph of a whiteboard with an architectural diagram for Open Web Apps, including in the middle HTML5 surrounded by microformats, CSS3, Javascript, Device, Web Storage, Web Workers, Geo API. Also mentioned are ActivityStreams and PubsubHubBub (PuSH). Standing next to the whiteboard is Tantek Çelik, wearing a microformats tshirt under a black jacket.

The first interview was by Harald Brombach of digi.no: "Legger grunnlaget for vakrere webapps". It's in Norwegian (as you might guess from the title), so here's an English translation via Google Translate: "Paves the way for more beautiful webapps".

It's impressive how much the quotes survived the round-trip human-computer translation (me speaking English, Harald translating into Norwegian, and Google translating back).

Photograph of Chris Lilley and Tantek Çelik sitting on a couch behind a coffee table with a laptop in front of Tantek and a hallway stretching backwards behind them in the Opera offices.

The second interview I did together with Chris Lilley of W3C which was quite fun - it takes some of the pressure off to be interviewed as a pair. What was particularly fun was contrasting our different backgrounds and experiences, Chris at W3C and myself as a developer at Microsoft, Technorati, and as an independent standars advocate. In Norwegian: "HTML5 er sikrere enn Flash", and again, the Google translation: "HTML5 is more secure than Flash."

I was particularly pleased that Computerworld Norway picked up on the "Open Web Apps" terminology. If the press can get behind a term, especially across languages, perhaps it's something we can get behind to better explain the difference between what is actually HTML5, and the broader open web applications platform that HTML5 is a core component of.