
conceptualizing #DiSo 2.0:
#1 personal site+shortlink domains.
#2 algorithmic URL shortener.
#3 hAtom store (no DBA tax - easier to maintain/backup than MySQL).
#4 hAtom activity stream (DRY).
#5 update notifications to PubSubHubbub (PuSH).
#6 your own PuSH hub.
#7 content-type-specific syndication to specific sites (e.g. text notes to Twitter, geo checkins to Foursquare, photos to Flickr, events to Upcoming, etc.).
#8 reverse syndication of comments+tags+notes from said specific sites.
#9 edit/comment authorization via RelMeAuth (OAuth + rel-me).
#10 personal OAuth endpoint.

on (ttk.me t4432) using BBEdit